Wearable Technology: Helping Construction Back to Work

As the lockdowns to limit the spread of Covid-19 lift, the construction industry is negotiating with the challenge of reopening sites while maintaining social distancing. However, a wearable device from Tended is helping the process

Maintaining proper social distancing is a significant challenge on construction sites, but workplace safety technology developer Tended believes it has a solution: a wrist-based wearable with a built-in proximity sensor.

Pairing with a wearer’s smartphone, the wearable can alert its user when they have come within two metres of a colleague – or a different distance set by an employer.

The device also sends data about social distance breaches to the employer, enabling them to see which workers are coming into close contact with others the most, and enabling contact tracing if an employee shows symptoms of Covid-19.

The wearable has been adapted from an existing Tended product, meaning it also provides detection for accidents, such as trips, falls or impacts, and allows employers to require workers to check-in at set intervals.

“We’ve implemented ultra-wideband technology because of its incredibly high accuracy and resistance to interference, and we decided to combine it with our wearable to provide a solution that can ensure the safety of employees at work,” said Tended CEO Leo Scott Smith. “We believe technology will provide the means to get the world moving again, and also keep people safe.”

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Images in folder – Images courtesy of Tended
