In this issue

Issue 60 ▪ February 2021

Go to article: Home | Designs for post-pandemic lifeGo to article: In this issueGo to article: ContentsGo to article: eyrise Company InsightGo to article: BriefingGo to article: Industry newsGo to article: Industry briefingGo to article: Covid-19 executive briefing by GlobalDataGo to article: swissFineLine Company InsightGo to article: swissFineLineGo to article: CommentGo to article: UK construction sector welcomes EU trade agreementGo to article: Can architecture exist in a world of reduced growth?Go to article: Construction industry trends to watch in 2021Go to article: Smart cities could become engines of emerging APAC growthGo to article: s: steblerGo to article: In DepthGo to article: When BIM goes wrong: legal challenges in the spotlightGo to article: The New BauhausGo to article: Where climate and pandemic-conscious design collide Go to article: Surviving a crisis in architecture: lessons from HOK Go to article: Gallery: post-pandemic officesGo to article: High-Rise 2.0: The solution to post-Covid living? Go to article: Material focus: innovative glass featuresGo to article: In DataGo to article: Deals analysisGo to article: The key listGo to article: Global markets and indicesGo to article:  Macro-economic indicatorsGo to article: Macro-economic indicators (page 2)Go to article: EventsGo to article: Next issue